My Journey Thus Far:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

No eats after 3pm

Yesterday i was successful at one thing... not eating after 6pm
NOw im telling myself that today i dont eat after 3pm...
I want to build myself up... Cuz i know im not strong enough to start fasting right away.
But this is good...
On 08/21 and i got to be at least 170 lbs
That gives me now about 17 days...
If i just fast and then binge, im not going to get anywhere... so at least by Sunday, ill be able to fast all day all week for 2 weeks... with an occasional tea to not binge...
My pills are helping but they aren't so much...
I guess just with water weight, but i need fat melt down!!!
Im going to do a Salt water flush tonight...
Ive only been successful at it 1/10 times i do it.. so hopefully ill be able to do it...

Ive been restocking my lost Thinspo pics and i realized how much i have gained since highschool and its pretty bad! ... Even my mom found a pic of me and said "wow you are so skinny here!" When i know during that time she called me FAT.
Some of you girls are probably thinking, "well if your mom was so hard on you about your weight, why dont you have a eating disorder or be strong in your diets??" The fact is, i rebelled against my mom on this subject... anything else i listen to her for the most part, but about my body i just want to eat everything to make her mad... now im a fat cow and i regret everything i did... Most of you girls probably don't listen to your parents much, but my advice is to listen to what they say,... you dont have to agree, but at least give them that respect... i wish i did ....

Becoming a RN (registered nurse) is tough and its making me eat alot from all that stress and very emotional... Looking at myself at the mirror is hard and not fitting to any of the clothes i have is also really tough... But i know that Biologically my body needs the time to shrink and stuff but i dont have that kind of time... years are passing and i am still fat!!... HOpefully on Friday ill be able to fast... I need to fast! I have work from 7am-4pm so it would be good not to eat and sleep all day long :) And hopefully on saturday as well.

Please give me some tips and tricks!

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