My Journey Thus Far:

Friday, April 13, 2012


So i've been a 195 forever! when i get to 194 its because i havent ate all day and if i even drink water it goes up to 196 :( so i started the lemonade diet on thursday and its really hard to start! seriously! so what i'm doing is doing my zumba cardio and muscle exercises by tracy and after 6 i have a meal. So with a full stomach i am 195 so i lost a pound? ... we'll see tomoro morning. I think it will be easier tomoro since i work from 6am to 3pm and i'll sleep till 6pm so ill only have the drink. I remember when i did it so well last time, and i did it with prayer... whether you believe or not, its nice to know you can talk to someone 24/7.... especially when a sweet cake is calling your name. So try it ! i havent prayed yet, i feel embarrassed that i cant do it on my own :S but i remember the free feeling when i did.

will update soon,

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