My Journey Thus Far:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

oh yeah baby!!!

i want my story to be like this fine lady... she got skinny in the end <3

Sexy mirror picture: i want to do one, but in the future :P
"Fix up, Look sharp," says the fine looking man... it's what i need to do to get one!

Beautiful transformation <3

I want to look like this when im 100 lbs ^^^ what do you think?

SO i got up this morning kinda irritated and nervous.. why? ... well i ate 2 oranges more than i should have yesterday :S but that's okay... cuz i lost 2 more pounds!!!! so i am 184 now!!! :D It feels sooooo goood!!!! once im done with the diet, ill post the diet up on the tabs up above^^^^ and the lemonade diet :) they are both so awesome!

But a few hurdles are coming... 1) my sister's bridal shower today that will be full of good tasting foods and sweets (especially my favorite honey cake :P); 2) my period (i usually gain 5 lbs from water gain :X) and 3) stress from my upcoming organic Chemistry exam can cause a eating spike :S .... sigh... oh geez i hope i can make it!... i have worked too hard to get under 185 and i cant make anything stop me now from being under 180!!!! i hope for the best!

In other news,... i saw my Robert Pattinson - like guy the other day... he's cuter than ever! ... but he's playing hard to get... but i played it right back :P ... i hope ill be in better shape soon to show him how beautiful i am... and that he can't have me ;D to make him want me more! lol ... oh im just babbling nonsense i guess to the people who just started to follow me,... read past post to be filled in! :P

If i can lose weight, you can too... have faith in yourselves my ladies! {DOVE}

Friday, April 8, 2011

oh well :)

This picture really shows me what im striving for and a glimpse of what i can be.

I really like this pic, clean and beautiful and thin.... thats what i want

So in the morning of day 3 i was soooo excited! cuz i was 184.5... but of course stupid me went on an eating rampage!!! :( but all is good i am like 185.5 ish... so i didn't gain anything :) Im doing day 3 all over again so ill have the chance to lose 10 lbs the next 5 days. And hopefully ill be able to fit into my little black dress again! and the rest of my clothes :P I am so happy to find somthing that really works for me and i dont have to starve myself! but i know ill have to train myself to not eat later to get to 100lbs... {DOVE}

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

day 1 results

so this morning i had to weight myself and even after eating 4 potatoes and 2 cups of 1% buttermilk i still lost 3 pounds :) yey! And today i had to eat 2 cups of fat free cottage cheese and 2 cups butter milk (and cheated by eating a subway white macadamian cookie dough) i am 186! :D so i can't wait to weigh myself tomoro morning!!! So i hope you ladies are doing great as well :) enjoy the pics! {DOVE}

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Im back :)

Sorry for the long wait,... its been crazy :S But im back and with a full vengeance to lose weight!!!! though im up to 190 again, i have a diet plan that will help me get to 180.... Its a Buttermilk (aka kefir) diet... and in 7 days you lose 14lbs... especially for overweight ppl like me! and then i plan on doing the lemonade diet ! i love the lemonade diet!!!! but its really hard to do :S... but you lose like 2 lbs a day! 10 days = 20lbs!!... i only did it for 5 and i lost10! so my dear ladies, i hope you enjoy the pics and see me shrink soon :) {DOVE}